My Purpose
To help people focus on creating a quality of life that is fulfilling, joyful and prosperous.
A few important lessons I've learned
Endorsement from people of influence
Communications Expert and
6 time EMMY award winner -
Bestselling Author, Co-creator of the
Chicken Soup For The Soul® series
If your life has become crazy busy, ask yourself why you are doing it
My Method
Aligning and implementing 2 major focusing components results in Freedom, a position that gives you a tremendous advantage in your business, as well as creating an intuitive level of awareness and a wonderful lifestyle.
Focus On
Making Better Choices
Optimize Quality of Life
Focus On
Following Through
Optimize Results
How I Serve
Les met his first mentor, speaking legend Jim Rohn, in 1980. Two years later he was hosting seminars and inviting Jim to...
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Although the seminar business created excellent feedback from those who attended, Les found it difficult to measure long term results. He began researching...
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Les’s passion for impacting people with words began as a young boy in Ireland where he dreamed of...
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Les has always enjoyed interviewing successful people, digging deep to find out what makes them tick. For years he studied veteran…
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